Category: CPA Services

What CPAs Do in the Tax Off-Season

June 1, 2022  |  Barton Walter and Krier

The narrow, early year window for filing taxes is likely when you rely most on your tax professional. But these numbers virtuosos keep busy with a host of duties after filing deadlines, too. Ever wonder what CPAs do in the tax off-season? Keep reading to find out how they keep the gears turning and client financials in order throughout the year. Countless Capabilities Beyond Taxes Certified public accountants do more than crunch numbers on your Form 1040. They are dependable advisors that provide a litany of services to help clients reach their individual or business financial goals. CPA Steve Hagstrom of Barton, Walter & Krier shared insight into some of the lesser-known responsibilities tax professionals handle when they’re not calculating and filing a client tax returns. “We’re a 40-member firm,” Hagstrom pointed out. “We’re smaller, so we wear a lot of hats.” Mergers & Acquisitions. Hagstrom is a consultant in the M&A department at BWK, so providing those services to clients is one of his specialties. “I consult on mostly transactional situations,” he said, “people buying or selling a business.” In these situations, CPAs help clients better understand financial opportunities, compliance, and big picture goals when transferring or consolidating a business. “M&A is a niche we have that other small firms don’t,” Hagstrom […]

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Explore a Day in the Life of a CPA

September 22, 2021  |  Barton Walter and Krier

You’ve no doubt heard the term bandied about over the years, but what exactly does a CPA do? To answer this and other related questions, we turned to Anna-Liisa Lampi, a Senior Manager at Barton Walter Krier. Lampi provides insight as we go beyond taxes and explore a day in the life of a CPA. All in a Day’s Work So, what does a Certified Public Accountant do? In a word, “Everything,” Lampi said. She then went on to reveal that a CPA’s job involves a lot of problem solving and multitasking. “You’re working with various clients or on different jobs, checking where you are or where the staff is that’s working with you, and following up with clients or staff to keep things moving,” she explained. In general, a CPA prepares and files a business’s taxes. But their work doesn’t stop there. CPAs also provide tax planning and advice, auditing services, financial management and consulting, and financial forensics. And while each day may feel somewhat routine, a day in the life of a CPA is anything but typical. “There’s different information and sometimes you’re juggling a lot of different things,” Lampi said. “You’re just keeping them moving and trying to keep clients and staff happy.” What’s the Difference? Is there a difference […]

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Succession Planning: Transferring Ownership of Your Business

August 31, 2021  |  Barton Walter and Krier

For many business owners, developing a solid succession plan can be overwhelming. There’s the question of who will take over the business upon your retirement, demise, or disability. It’s never too early to create a successful plan. With the help of experienced legal, financial, and tax professionals, you can secure a sound financial future for yourself and your loved ones. Read on as we discuss transferring ownership of your business through succession planning. First order of business: choose your successor This may seem like a no brainer however, choosing the right successor is arguably the most important step in the process. Selecting someone to take over the business isn’t easy. Sometimes the most logical choice is a family member or trusted existing employee. However, each has its drawbacks. You must consider that individual’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the implications to the business and/or familial relationships. Your successor largely depends on how your business is structured; whether you have an existing partner(s); and what your ultimate business objectives are for the future.  Choose your successor wisely. It’s always a good idea to consult with a financial or tax expert to help walk you through your options. Five common types of succession plans There are five common types of succession plans, each with […]

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